The vice president of economic planning and development of the Jihad Agricultural Organization said: eight thousand liters of diesel needed by poultry farms, greenhouses and owners of agricultural conversion industries in Ardabil province have been provided.

Alireza Khajavi stated: Currently, more than 95 percent of poultry farms, greenhouses, cattle ranches and conversion industries in the agricultural sector of Ardabil province are equipped with second fuel tanks and burners, which are being supplied with diesel in cooperation with the provincial oil company.

He stated: "Currently, we do not see any critical conditions in the fuel supply of these units, and the conditions for the continued operation of these units are normal, and even the Moghan sugar factory has returned to the cycle of activity from today with the supply of gas fuel."

The Vice President of Planning and Economic Development of the Agricultural Jihad Organization reminded the necessity of a detailed assessment of the possible damage to the production units of the agricultural sector due to the gas cut and said: the effort is to solve the problems by providing and storing second fuel in time.

Regarding the incident that occurred in one of the poultry farms in the province with major chicken losses, Khajovi added: The gas pressure drop was not the cause of this incident, but in one of the poultry farms proper ventilation was not done and the poultry suffered suffocation.

In another part of his speech, he mentioned: Since the beginning of autumn and with the announcement of the petroleum products company and the correspondence that the Jihad Organization of Agriculture provides to the owners of the production units in the agricultural sector, the supply of secondary fuel has been prioritized and is currently the main priority. The production units of the agricultural sector benefit from the second fuel reserve.

Khajawi announced the supply of 8,000 liters of diesel in the past few days to the owners of agricultural production units, especially poultry farms and greenhouse owners, and added: by evaluating the management of agricultural jihad in the cities, correspondence will be made with the oil company regarding the production unit and their activity. It is possible to provide alternative fuel.

He stated: Production units and conversion industries that do not have tanks, flames and other facilities should equip their facilities with these equipments as soon as possible so that they can be provided with second fuel.

The Vice President of Planning and Economic Development of the Jihad Agricultural Organization continued: In no way will the use of secondary fuel cause pollution, and considering that we are dealing with a living organism, it is necessary to provide fuel on time and produce it in chicken farms and greenhouses. Let's see the product launch.