The Minister of Jihad of Agriculture said: Agricultural colleges are being strengthened so that 40 colleges were established in 1401 by the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization.

According to the economic correspondent of Tasnim News Agency, Javad Sadatinejad, the Minister of Jihad of Agriculture, stated today at the first national conference of young farmers in the Ministry of Jihad of Agriculture: The average age of farmers is 53 years, but the average age of our farmers should be reduced and reach around 40 to 45 years. has also been held in this regard.

He added: Today's agriculture is a factor of power, a strategic and modern view, there are good attractions for farmers to enter.

The Minister of Agricultural Jihad continued by stating that educated young people in the agricultural sector are a necessity for the country: Agricultural colleges are being strengthened so that 40 colleges were established in 1401 by the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization.

He stated: The number of knowledge-based companies has also increased from 280 to 480 companies, and 6 data villages of technology and innovation in the agricultural sector have also been created.

* Providing cheap banking facilities for young farmers

He clarified: The services of the rural and nomadic youth support fund will be developed next year to support the country's young farmers. Also, the Foundation of Future Farmers was established in 1402.

Sadatinejad said: next year, farmers under the age of 40 will be supported in receiving special facilities or reducing the interest percentage of the facilities; From the month of Farudin, its instructions will be announced.

He clarified: through the guaranteed purchase of farmers who are studying, special support is also provided to them.